About me

(Auch Impressum nach § 5 TMG)
Wulf Krueger
Trifelsstrasse 19
67122 Altrip
wk at mailstation dot de
Matrix: @philantrop:mailstation.de
* 23.12.1975, Göttingen, Germany
Married, three children (* 2000, * 2002, * 2004).
Since the fact that there are NO advertisements whatsoever is obviously not clear enough: No, I don’t sell advertising space in any form (that includes paid blog posts!). If that’s what you’re after: Go away and don’t contact me.

Social media in descending order of preference:
Matrix: @philantrop:mailstation.de
iMessage: wk@mailstation.de
Signal: 4915124126004
WhatsApp: 4915124126004
Telegram: @Philantrop23
Discord: Philantrop#5209
Mastodon: @Philantrop
Twitter: Philantrop23
Instagram: philantrop
Threads: Philantrop
Medium: Philantrop23
Tumblr: Wulf’s Book Reviews
Facebook: wulf.krueger