Fox 8, by George Saunders

Fox 8 by George Saunders
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
For Fox’ Sake – what a disaster! What an unholy mess of a novella! Our protagonist, Fox 8, who is, you guessed it, a fox, gets a quick glance of what humanity is capable of.
This is a promising premise and, if excitedly well, could lead to an interesting story.
Unfortunately, it turns out foxes don’t “speak” English very well and I don’t have much patience for sentences like this:
“But I was fast and nated by those music werds, and desired to understand them total lee.”
The entire booklet is written like that and the story is just as “meh”. In Fox 8’s own words:
“Reeding my Story bak just now, I woslike: O no, my Story is a bumer. There is the deth of a gud pal, and no plase of up lift, or lerning a leson. The nise Fox’s first Groop stays lost, his frend stays ded. Bla.”
Yes, bla. Read something else. This is bollocks.
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Anfangs habe ich viel gelacht, doch dann war ich einfach nur noch traurig und wütend.
Gerne würde ich Fuchs 8 eine Antwort schicken und mich für alle grausamen Taten dieser Menschheit entschuldigen.
Ein Buch, das mir auf ewig im Gedächtnis bleiben wird.