Warden’s Fate (The Ancient Guardians #5), by Tony James Slater

Warden’s Fate A Sci Fi Adventure by Tony James Slater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really didn’t expect this. The previous book, “Warden’s Vengeance” in the “Ancient Guardians” series wasn’t very good – the pacing was problematic, typos all over the place and the characters didn’t develop at all.
Along came “Warden’s Fate” and with it, the final instalment in the series, Tony is back! Gone are (most of) the typos, the characters actually make sense and get sufficient room to grow.
Back as well is Tony’s humour and good-natured kindness in his story. The action is still there and this book is another page-turner but the pacing is much more even and “rounded”. We actually get to enjoy the book, its scenes and people which is really, truly nice.
There are lots of good ideas, presented in an engaging, suspenseful way and, mostly, in actually really well-chosen words.
Especially important to me: Tony gets the emotions right this time – we really feel with Tris, Kyra, Lukas and everyone else.
Of course, this isn’t high literature and it doesn’t have to be because this book is over-the-top action, fun, and just great entertainment!
I pretty much enjoyed every page which makes this book, astoundingly, a full five stars read – and I don’t even like the Science Fiction genre!
As much as it surprises myself, I’m most likely to actually read this crew’s further adventures.
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