Black Bear Alibi (A Rockfish Island Mystery, #1), by J.C. Fuller

Black Bear Alibi by J.C. Fuller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have no idea how this book actually made it onto my to-read list. Anyway, it was a quick and sufficiently satisfying read.
It’s a rather simple mystery with an interesting premise: A ranger, our local hero Philip, finds the mangled corpse of a young local woman. Together with the new sheriff, Lane, he tries to find out what happened.
This is a topic we’ve often read about before but this time, it happens on “Rockfish Island”, a backwater island. We get to know quite a few of the locals – many of them Philip’s friends – and try to sleuth our way to the culprit.
“Black Bear Alibi” features some humour, interesting, relatable characters and a decent albeit unspectacular story. The twist at the end was as foreseeable as forgivable.
Annoying were the numerous grammatical and orthographic mistakes that adorned this book and made me think it might have been self-published without the help of editors and proof-readers. Even more gratingly, Fuller doesn’t always get there’s a difference between online messaging and books and, consequently, she tries to convey meaning by misspelling words, e. g. “obbbbjjjjectivvvve” or “alllll”. This is just plain horrible.
Nevertheless, it was a decent read. Four stars.
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