Sword Song (The Last Kingdom #4), by Bernard Cornwell

Sword Song by Bernard Cornwell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
»I only need repent, they say, and I will go to heaven and live for evermore in the blessed company of the saints.
And I would rather burn till time itself burns out.«
(Same here!)
“Sword Song” is yet another great entry in this series! Uthred is supposed to capture Lundene – London – for King Alfred as a wedding present to Aethelflaed and Aethelred.
Of course, Uthred prevails but only after a lot of water (and blood) runs down the Thames…
At least, though, for a while Uthred can truthfully state »We were so happy.« – a very much deserved state of mind for both Gisela and him.
We get to see some more humour in this book as well…
»I killed that ship’s crew to save myself having to kill hundreds of other Danes.”
“The Lord Jesus would have wanted you to show mercy,” she said, her eyes wide.
She is an idiot.«
I would have immediately read on in Uthred’s story but I don’t want to burn out my reading interest in him so I’ve temporarily gone on a different reading path!
Meanwhile, four stars out of five for this book!
Ceterum censeo Putin esse delendam
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