The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons #2), by Julia Quinn

The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the kind of book most of my fellow males will avoid like the plague. All the more so if they ever – by accident, of course! – happen to come across the “Author’s Note” in this book which explicitly states “Since my readers are almost exclusively women”…

Well, here I am, and I profess: I greatly enjoyed this book despite knowing that it most certainly is (mostly) literary fast food – good to sate ones primal desires but not really nourishing.

And I couldn’t care less.

I really enjoyed the lovely family dynamics between the Bridgertons and I loved the witty bantering between Anthony and Kate. I just can’t help but root for such wonderful characters and their relationships, their eccentricities and how they overcome them.

Is it realistic? Not at all. Historically accurate? Very unlikely. Romantic, cute and thoroughly enjoyable? To me at least, absolutely.

You’ll have to be able to generously ignore macho “gems” like this one…

»It was as if a certain side of her were visible only to him. He loved that her charms were hidden to the rest of the world. It made her seem more his.«

… which this book features in numbers. The men are “real men” (and hardly stop short at clubbing their female prey and dragging them to their cave), the women are kind and gentle and it doesn’t take much to dishonour a lady for life…

If you can stomach that, you might find yourself actually enjoying it. Four out of five stars for this guilty pleasure.

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