A Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George

A Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Sodium azide? Just take it and be done with it, George.
This book was so extraordinarily bad, I don’t even know where to start criticizing it.
I’ve read all the Lynley novels and enjoyed them greatly until one of the protagonists was killed off. From then on, not only a life derailed but the entire series and its author.
It looks like George would much prefer to become known for “serious” books instead of mysteries but doesn’t understand she simply doesn’t have it in herself to ever really succeed at that.
Instead, she keeps writing horribly bad books that deserve no praise at all because they fail at being mysteries and serious social criticism both.
Just calling it a Lynley novel doesn’t really make it one and this certainly was the last sham I’ve fallen victim of.
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