Stages – some changes

As most of you know from my earlier stage building post, our stages for amd64 and x86 are being built automatically using Jenkins. And that won’t change.


Recently, there has been a discussion about adding Emacs to the stages in addition to vim. The reaction was overwhelmingly negative; even more so than I had expected.




  • I’m the one who spends his time and actual money on building stages, deploying them to, dealing with fall-out from changes, etc.,
  • there’s no real argument against adding Emacs but “it’s not POSIX!” and “stages should be minimal!”, “only having Vim is a nice filter against the kind of user we don’t really want anyway”, “use the editor outside the stage”, etc.
  • people are told to use e4r, which stands for “editor for retards” and is neither Emacs nor vim and, thus, doesn’t fix the problem,


… this is what I’ve changed effective by May, 7th 2014


  • I’ve added Emacs to the stages I build unilaterally (the first stage with Emacs included will be built on May, 8th 2014),
  • I’m not going to change the stages set because that would influence any stages not built by me,
  • I’ve stopped deploying the stages I build to (the last stage I deployed there is of May, 7th 2014),
  • The stages I build will always be located at (where they’ve been since I started building them),
  • I’ve added the link to the stages on my server to the install guide as an alternative.


In consequence…


  • if it is that big a deal that Emacs will be included in my stages, someone else will have to build official stages manually,
  • if it’s not that big a deal, our core devs can say so on our mailinglist and I’ll gladly revert things to how they were – just with Emacs in the stages set.


I am and have been working on quite a few F/OSS projects:
  • Exherbo (Nick: Philantrop)
  • Gentoo (Nick: Philantrop)
  • Calibre plugin iOS reader applications
  • Calibre plugin Marvin XD
  • chroot-manager
  • stuff on github
  • Lots of other projects
  • If you like my work, feel free to donate. 🙂

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