The Atlas of Middle-Earth, by Karen Wynn Fonstad

The Atlas of Middle-Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
During my recent re-read of “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again” I remembered that years ago I had bought this “atlas” in order to immerse myself even more fully into Tolkien’s world and to provide my children with maps to the adventures I was reading to them at the time.
In this atlas, you’ll find brilliant maps in two colours that are in all aspects very fitting to their source material. You’ll find the maps sorted by ages as well as regional maps, e. g. The Shire, as well as maps relating to the books and, last but not least, thematic maps, e. g. landforms, climate, vegetation and population.
It shows that the author is an actual cartographer because Fonstad’s maps feel real – like they were made by observance and not by obviously extensive research.
“The Atlas of Middle-Earth” is an amazing feat and every Tolkien enthusiast should own a copy!
Five out of five stars.
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