The Last Kingdom (The Last Kingdom #1), by Bernard Cornwell

The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First “Vikings” came along and rekindled my interest. Next I stumbled upon “The Last Kingdom” and I was done for – Uthred, a hero, between both worlds – Dane and West Saxon. A guy whose survival to old age tells us we can rest assured he will survive whatever fate (which is all!) throws in his way.
Intelligence, courage, boldness, daring, audacity! All “mixed” into one man, one hero! Irresistible!
Bloody battles, cunning, betrayal, you name it, it’s all here. Written in long, flowing chapters including stirring descriptions of the land and its people.
King Alfred of Wessex, pious yet clever, ensnaring Uthred into his service time after time.
Raw, mediaeval and wild!
Highly recommended to anyone liking historical fiction and can stomach a very “generous” share of violence.
Five out of five stars and now please excuse me while I devour the next instalment.
Ceterum censeo Putin esse delendam
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