The Law (The Dresden Files #17.5), by Jim Butcher

The Law by Jim Butcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
»Between my hex and the otso’s, bad things were going to happen.«
Phew… After book-long battles, drawn-out, long-winded end-of-the-world scenarios in the last few books, we’re back to Harry Dresden, Resident Wizard but also Private Investigator of and in Chicago respectively.
This is a short novella in which Harry gets hired to get someone to end a frivolous lawsuit. While this is a long string of delivering and receiving favours, it’s much more like the Harry Dresden of old – funny, good-natured, self-deprecating.
I hope this is an indication of things to come!
Four stars out of five.
Ceterum censeo Putin esse delendam
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