Watch Her Disappear (Detective Josie Quinn #14), by Lisa Regan

Watch Her Disappear by Lisa Regan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
All too often, in a series of books when a writer has found their cast of characters, their setting, etc. everything becomes routine and instalment after instalment gets chucked out but there’s hardly ever anything new. Each new book is a variation of its predecessors.
Thankfully, Lisa Regan miraculously doesn’t fall prey to this effect in her long-running Josie Quinn series. Each new book presents us with interesting new aspects, engaging stories and empathic investigators.
In “Watch Her Disappear” Josie investigates the case of a formerly missing girl who’s found dead at the prom of a school she didn’t attend. While looking into the murder, Chief Chitwood is reminded of a similar (and very personal…) case from his distant past…
As so often in Regan’s books, there are major revelations about one of the police investigators involved in the current case. Fittingly, for this book Regan chose Chief Chitwood to take the centre stage.
Since Regan has long-since found her own style of storytelling and language, there are no surprises in either department – the book is suspenseful and exciting as ever. You’ll never find groundbreaking new thoughts in these books but if you like just one, you’re likely to enjoy them all.
You can read this as a stand-alone novel even though you will miss out on a few interactions between the investigators.
The Josie Quinn mysteries have become a go-to for interesting, engaging, suspenseful mystery thrillers and I’m already looking forward to the next one!
Five out of five stars.
Ceterum censeo Putin esse delendam
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