Worst Wingman Ever (The Improbable Meet-Cute #2), by Abby Jimenez Worst Wingman Ever by Abby Jimenez My rating: 3 of 5 stars There’s really not much to say about this… Continue reading “Worst Wingman Ever (The Improbable Meet-Cute #2), by Abby Jimenez”…
You, with a View, by Jessica Joyce You, with a View by Jessica Joyce My rating: 4 of 5 stars After two extremely bad novels, I needed… Continue reading “You, with a View, by Jessica Joyce”…
Murder in Tuscany (Armstrong and Oscar Cozy Mysteries #1), by T.A. Williams Murder in Tuscany by T.A. Williams My rating: 1 of 5 stars I came to this book knowing nothing about… Continue reading “Murder in Tuscany (Armstrong and Oscar Cozy Mysteries #1), by T.A. Williams”…
Nolyn (The Rise and Fall, #1), by Michael J. Sullivan Nolyn by Michael J. Sullivan I tried really hard to like this but couldn’t. In fact, I’m giving up at… Continue reading “Nolyn (The Rise and Fall, #1), by Michael J. Sullivan”…
Toasty (Cozy #2), by Alexa Riley Toasty by Alexa Riley The plot in a nutshell: Caveman grabs a woman, deflowers her, and knocks her up in… Continue reading “Toasty (Cozy #2), by Alexa Riley”…
Face Her Fear (Detective Josie Quinn #19), by Lisa Regan Face Her Fear by Lisa Regan My rating: 4 of 5 stars By this 19th instalment in the Josie Quinn… Continue reading “Face Her Fear (Detective Josie Quinn #19), by Lisa Regan”…
Chocolat (Chocolat #1), by Joanne Harris Chocolat by Joanne Harris This is one of the rare occasions I’m giving up on a book but I just… Continue reading “Chocolat (Chocolat #1), by Joanne Harris”…
Battle Royale, by Koushun Takami Battle Royale by Koushun Takami My rating: 1 of 5 stars Wow, this was bad, really bad. It starts with… Continue reading “Battle Royale, by Koushun Takami”…
It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet (All Creatures Great and Small #2), by James Herriot It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet: The Classic Memoir of a 1930s Vet by James Herriot My rating: 5 of… Continue reading “It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet (All Creatures Great and Small #2), by James Herriot”…
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin My rating: 5 of 5 stars Pixels and Passions: A Journey On… Continue reading “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin”…